publishes a schematic for their module, and it differs slightly from my module. My mini module is version 3.4 and the front and back is shown in the photos. Also note that the same module PC board supports either the Sim900 or the Sim900A chip and they are used similarly, so I will assume a Sim900.
Please note, while I have investigated my module, there seem to be many versions of the mini module and I will leave it to you to experiment and work out the details of your version for yourself - its quite easy. At this stage I have no library preferences and no particular desire to go it alone. I couldn't find any that talk about using the mini development module so I thought it may be useful to publish this 'ible. There are also several GSM libraries out there, or you can use AT commands to roll your own. There are lots of websites that talk about using a GSM shield with an Arduino, in addition to the Arduino IDE itself.